Bits and Bobs
I'm getting to grips with this new web site programme - about time too! I've now put up Gallery pages for my Medici Collection and the Morgan Le Fay necklace. So many designs, so little time! Having...
I'm getting to grips with this new web site programme - about time too! I've now put up Gallery pages for my Medici Collection and the Morgan Le Fay necklace. So many designs, so little time! Having...
When the Spring Beadworkers Guild journal arrived it was a lovely boost to see my Crystal Rosette Pendant in the centre pages - always a thrill to see one's stuff in print! Also May is the...
I believe almost a year has gone by since I was last able to write my Bead Blog! It's amazing how much has changed at home, with one child flying the nest and another coming...
Whilst our not-so-little one has been off at Sports School for a few weeks, I have been really tied up with the family bizz, consequently there has been woefully little time for beading. However I had...
Following a stressful Christmas and January, I am slowly returning to normality with the exception of not allowing myself the time to even pick up a single bead. However this must change as I have...