July 2008
Whilst our not-so-little one has been off at Sports School for a few weeks, I have been really tied up with the family bizz, consequently there has been woefully little time for beading. However I had...
Whilst our not-so-little one has been off at Sports School for a few weeks, I have been really tied up with the family bizz, consequently there has been woefully little time for beading. However I had...
On returning from the heat wave in Greece, I have seen the devastation wreaked on the lawn after the torrential downpours. It was extremely hard to leave the sparkling cool sea, gorgeous feta salads and...
Fresh back from the Beadworkers Guild's 5th Biennial Bead-In at Croydon, I am all set to make plenty more Mandelbrot Earrings, a Beaded Bead for the BWGs 10th Anniversary, more Peyote Amphoras and, of course...