July 2008
Whilst our not-so-little one has been off at Sports School for a few weeks, I have been really tied up with the family bizz, consequently there has been woefully little time for beading. However I had...
Whilst our not-so-little one has been off at Sports School for a few weeks, I have been really tied up with the family bizz, consequently there has been woefully little time for beading. However I had...
The first airing of the Fan-tastic Variations workshop went fabulously. Everyone made beautiful pieces and we were exhausted at the end of a hard day (you can see them in here). Sometimes it’s good to put...
Finishing off my Fan-tastic Variations workshop instructions is finally complete and now I’m free to develop an idea I’ve had rumbling around for over a year. I am fascinated by Fractals and the images they...
Wow, this year has passed so quickly, probably because I have been so busy. The new workshop, Fan-tastic Variations, is ready and I will be teaching it for the Beadworkers Guild in London, March 2008....