The Great British Bead Show 2013
Arriving home from the Great British Bead Show, 2013, I was greeted with such a mountain of paperwork for the family bizz, and preparation to do for the Bead & Button Show next month, that...
Arriving home from the Great British Bead Show, 2013, I was greeted with such a mountain of paperwork for the family bizz, and preparation to do for the Bead & Button Show next month, that...
I've just finished two buttons that I've made for The Button Project exhibition at the Heritage Centre in Macclesfield which is part of the Barnaby Festival, June 2013. Both were worked in a combination of Netting, Peyote, Brick...
This video tutorial is about how to join in a new thread. It's inevitable that, at some point whilst beading, you'll need to join in a new thread. Many beadworkers, both beginners and more advanced,...
This video tutorial is about how to finish off a thread. It's so important to know how to finish off a thread neatly, so that no loose ends show in your work. I demonstrate how...
I've just had 3 fabulous days teaching my Crystal Finger Candy Rings and Crystal Rosette Pendant at the Spring Knitting & Stitching Show. I met lots of lovely ladies who had never picked up beads...
Just added 3 new workshop dates, 15th-17th March. Why not come and join me if you're planning on visiting the Spring Knitting & Stitching Show in Olympia, London. I'll be teaching my Crystal Finger Candy...
Perhaps a little late but Happy Beady New Year everyone, let's hope we all have more time to bead and create! It's about time I blogged again as it's only been, Oh about, 6 months Eeeeeek!...
As the blossom is starting to fill the trees again and hyacinths and daffodils are all around, I got out my Spring Floral bracelet which I’ve realised isn’t in the Gallery yet). I’m also feeling...
On returning from the heat wave in Greece, I have seen the devastation wreaked on the lawn after the torrential downpours. It was extremely hard to leave the sparkling cool sea, gorgeous feta salads and...
Fresh back from the Beadworkers Guild's 5th Biennial Bead-In at Croydon, I am all set to make plenty more Mandelbrot Earrings, a Beaded Bead for the BWGs 10th Anniversary, more Peyote Amphoras and, of course...