Abbey Road Beaders – Byzantine Cross workshop

Byzantine Cross Workshop with the Abbey Road Beaders in Nottingham

Abbey Road Beaders – Byzantine Cross workshop

I spent a brilliant weekend in Nottingham, with the Abbey Road Beaders teaching my Byzantine Cross workshop. I was treated to a lovely warm welcome, super hospitality and generosity – we had such a laugh. One of the many great things I love about workshops is how close we all become and the sharing of not only beads and techniques, but life experiences; I’m continually blown away by the courage people show in their day to day lives and find it humbling but also truly inspiring.

Once again I was loving everyone’s colour combinations! I’ll be putting images of finished pieces on my Students’ Work page.

Byzantine Cross Workshop with the Abbey Road Beaders in NottinghamByzantine Cross Workshop with the Abbey Road Beaders in NottinghamByzantine Cross Workshop with the Abbey Road Beaders in NottinghamByzantine Cross Workshop with the Abbey Road Beaders in Nottingham













Finally at the end of the workshop, I was stunned but absolutely delighted as they presented me with these 2 gorgeous bouquets of flowers. My journey home was made all the more pleasant with the fresh scent of the flowers. When I got home and put them in the vases, I really had the opportunity to see them properly and, I have to say, I adore the beautiful, decorative cabbages with rose-tipped, pale cream petals – divine!


Byzantine Cross Workshop with the Abbey Road Beaders in Nottingham









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