Hubble Stitch – the brand new beadwork stitch!

A beautiful cabochon that I captured with Hubble Stitch using 24K gold-coated Czech Charlottes

Hubble Stitch – the brand new beadwork stitch!

A beautiful cabochon that I captured with Hubble Stitch using 24K gold-coated Czech Charlottes
A gorgeous cabochon that begged to be Hubbled!

So 2015 has arrived and I met my deadline to get the finished text of my book on Hubble Stitch in the hands of my publisher – which is soooooo exciting! Hooray!!!!!

It’s been around 2 years since I first realised I had a brand new stitch and the idea has been simmering away at the back of my mind. My family and friends have urged me to write, particularly Sue Richardson (crumbs Sooz, how many years have you been trying to get me to write?); the more I thought about it, the more I found new ways to manipulate the stitch and my passion for it grew and grew, so it just had to be done! I took the bull by the horns and started writing in October.

The Spex Vortex whirls and twirls - it's made using basic Hubble with varying bead sizes.
Spex Vortex – made using basic Hubble with varying bead sizes.

There will be 12 projects to provide you with opportunities to practise the different forms of Hubble Stitch covered in the Chapters. I have written it so as to guide you step by step from basic Hubble, through 2-Drop, 3-Drop, Horizontal Spaced Out Hubble (HorSO), three forms of Vertical Spaced Out Hubble (VerSO), Hubble-in-the-Round and finally to Inverted Hubble. It’s such an incredibly versatile stitch and there’s so much more that can be done with it, but I’ll be covering that in Book 2!!!





These 2 basic Hubble ropes are so quick and easy to work. They differ in where I chose to change colour.
Hubble ropes – tubular form of Hubble-in-the-Round.

I had invaluable help from my dear, beady friends Sandra Fox, Erika Simons, Jean Phillips, Nitty Chamcheon and Gwenda Fairbairn, all of whom sat with me diligently testing my Hubble designs. I was overjoyed when they came back to me with some gorgeous samples of their own, many of which have been used in the book. Thank you girls from the bottom of my heart.
Michael Wicks is a really seasoned craftwork photographer (he does the photography for the Beadworkers Guild) and he took some stunning shots for the book.



The Enchanted Forest cuff - combination of 2-Drop and basic HorSO Hubble stitches.
The Enchanted Forest – worked in basic HorSO and 2-Drop Hubble.

As a special introduction to the stitch, I’ve put together a workshop to give you a real taste of Hubble and have a go at creating some of the fabulous textiles it produces – you’ll see how über-addictive it really is. I’ll be teaching it for the very first time at Stitchncraft on 10th October, and spending an entire weekend Hubbling at Great Escapes in Guildford – I simply cannot wait!!!!

For now, I know I’ll have layouts to deal with and editing etc. but I’ve also got plenty of new Hubble designs all charging around in my head trying to escape onto my Bead-On-It-Board (which thankfully no longer smells of sesame prawn!).

Solar Flares can be used individually or gathered for bracelets and necklaces.
Solar Flares – incorporating Inverted Hubble Stitch, amongst other forms!


I honestly can’t remember the last time I used another beadwork technique – I’ve got Hubble Stitch fever and I can’t wait to share it with you!

Here’s the link to my Hubble Stitch FB page, for updates and images. I’ll also be encouraging beadworkers to share pics of their Hubble beadwork there.

Comments (10)

  • Carol Sell Reply

    So excited to learn a new stitch. I am in the US and do hope we will be able to gt your book here also. If not, please put a link where we can order it when it is completed. I love hearing about people that have new designs and stitches are always the best!

    January 12, 2015 at 11:42 pm
  • Tia Wilke Reply

    Looks light and lacey. Can barely wait for this to be published. Wish you MUCH success with it. 🙂

    January 13, 2015 at 1:39 am
  • Christine Reply

    Hi Melanie congratulations on your book I cannot wait to give it a try. xx

    January 13, 2015 at 3:45 pm
  • Christine Reply

    Sorry Melanie, the last post was from the Christine you met at Abbey Beaders, Nottingham. Congratulations again xx

    January 13, 2015 at 3:48 pm
  • Elaine Hill Reply

    love the new Hubble stitch,cant wait for the book,Elaine from Nottingham

    January 13, 2015 at 5:21 pm
  • Melanie de Miguel Reply

    Thank you all!!! This is so exciting for me, I’m like a child in a toy shop! If you have Facebook take a look at my Hubble Stitch page – there’s a link in the blog above. Click Like and you will get updates on the book and the stitch!

    January 13, 2015 at 7:26 pm
  • Jean Montgomery Reply

    I am very intrigued by your new hubble stitch, what was your reason for calling it “Hubble”. Looking forward to your 2 day workshop at the N.I.Beaders Guild in May.

    January 17, 2015 at 9:50 am
  • Melanie de Miguel Reply

    Hi Jean,
    All will be revealed in my Hubble Stitch book! I’m very much looking forward to coming to Northern Ireland to teach and to meeting everyone in the group.

    January 27, 2015 at 11:26 am
  • Joan barker Reply

    Hi Melanie, just got your book – it’s beautiful!!!! So thoughtful to make it a ring binder. I love the little “characters”, they make remembering the stitch so easy. I’m waiting (impatiently) for some lovely beads and thread to arrive then I can get busy practising – can’t wait to get started! The projects are stunning and everything is so easy to follow, even your abbreviations! Good luck with the success of your new stich and book no.2. Joan ☺

    August 11, 2015 at 3:18 pm
    • Melanie de Miguel Reply

      Hi Joan, Thank you for your very kind words. Your experience makes it all worth while. I would love to see what you make. Have fun. Melanie

      September 7, 2015 at 10:58 pm


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