Tag - half hitch knot

Video Tutorial – Tips & Tricks: The best way to thread a needle.

As a beadwork tutor, I see many of my students struggling to thread a needle, which takes up a lot of their precious workshop time and can be a great source of frustration. Frequently I...

Video Tutorial – Tips & Tricks: How to join in a new thread.

This video tutorial is about how to join in a new thread. It's inevitable that, at some point whilst beading, you'll need to join in a new thread. Many beadworkers, both beginners and more advanced,...

Video Tutorial – Tips & Tricks: How to finish off a thread.

This video tutorial is about how to finish off a thread. It's so important to know how to finish off a thread neatly, so that no loose ends show in your work. I demonstrate how...

Video Tutorial – Techniques: Square Stitch

This video tutorial is about how to do Square Stitch. It's a really useful stitch and can be used in many ways. If you like working on pictures, then Square Stitch is perfect, because you can...